Rogers To Ditch “Most Reliable” Claim… But An Appeal Is To Come

You might remember that Telus forced Rogers to stop using the claim that they have the “most reliable” network. Now the real pain for Rogers begins. A Judge in BC has told Rogers that they have to start removing any ad material that has that claim on it:

Rogers has until Dec. 18 to fully comply, but Monday it began following the court order, removing the most-reliable claim from its website. It must begin removing billboards and other advertising materials by Thursday, costing the company millions of dollars in wasted advertising production costs and potentially many more in lost revenue as it tries to adjust its commercials on the fly.

Rogers has filed an appeal though:

In a motion filed with the British Columbia Court of Appeals scheduled to be heard Wednesday, Rogers says that trashing the ads would cost more than $3-million for a campaign that was already budgeted at more than $10-million. Quoting a statement it made in court, Rogers adds that it has “at present, nothing to replace [the current campaign] with at this crucial time of the year.”

Well that sucks if you’re Rogers. IANAL, but I’m not sure that the above argument will fly. Maybe this argument will do better in court:

Rogers will argue that its two-year track record allows it to claim it has the most reliable network while Telus and Bell have no such track record.

That’s a much better argument. We’ll see how that flies tomorrow.

Of course another way of dealing with this is to change the conversation by suing Bell for the same thing.

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